Blog - Inspiration raise your vibration feel good

Hello beautiful! I hope you’re well and had a great weekend! I’m so ready to kick start this week with sharing a great tool I use almost every morning. It’s one of the most powerful ways to run your mind. It is so fast, quick, easy and it’s life-changing. By…

READ MORECreative Visualization

I know the weight of the world is heavy right now, so before I get into any updates about our family holiday I just want to send some love. During our first day here at beautiful Mallorca, the terrible news reached the world about the war in Ukraine. I took…

READ MOREFamily Trip to Palma de Mallorca

Hi beautiful! Wow, Valentine is just around the corner, on Monday to be specific. Whether you’re going out with your galantines for drinks or have a romantic date planned, it’s always nice to dress up a little and I love to give both my partner, kids, and girlfriends some thoughtful…

READ MOREInspiration for Valentines!

I have always been a strong believer in manifestation and very early I could “sense” or “feel” how something was going to turn out. So naturally, manifestation has always been a part of my life. But since manifestation and affirmations can be a challenge to prove to someone that it…

READ MOREEver Tried Spoon or Fork Bending?

Words have power. And if you’ve ever wondered how to turn the power of words to your advantage, this is your chance! We can reprogram our minds by simply using the power of words. Are words really all that important? After all — the old saying is “actions speak louder than…

READ MOREThe Power Of Words – FREE Guide

I coach both “normal” transformational life coaching as well as spiritual life coaching. And what’s the difference you might wonder. Well… Do you sense there’s a far easier and more aligned way to experience your life… but can’t quite put your finger on what’s missing? Something is holding you back, causing…

READ MOREWhat Is Spiritual Life Coaching?